
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pssst...!!! :)

Have you heard...

I now have TWENTY Followers!!!!
Thank you to everyone for signing on...
I only hope you haven't  regretted

What a way to end the year.... filled with sadness 
at my father passing...
....and hapiness to see 
all of my nephews and nieces throughout the year, and the arrival of my new niece.....

As this year finishes....

I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Happy crafting,  Jenny  :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catch 22...

Hi everyone,
I am so glad that Christmas is over....

... now I can post about what I have been
...have a look....

... I made these little wall hangings as a gift...
so of course couldn't post about them earlier  :)

As for the 'catch 22' .....
another six months to get organized would have been!!!

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jenny's Jaunts...

Hi everyone,
I had hoped to have made another one of my Jaunts before Christmas.....
.....but I don't seem to be able to find my car......!!

Merry Christmas, 
everyone  :)

To visit another one of my Jaunts, click here

Hi everyone,

thank you for the lovely comments and emails on the arrival of Lucy.  I will make sure Robyn sees them.

As to becoming an Auntie again....
I like to consider myself as the eccentric Auntie of the family who buys all the horrible noisy presents... then leaves 'til next Christmas...  I'm sure Robyn calls me something

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You better watch out.... better not shout....
I bet you want to 

'Cause you might wake up...
baby Lucy!

Yes, Robyn's baby has been biding her 
time, and arrived last night :)

I've heard they are both well, and 
will be home soon.

Sorry, but that's all the info I have for the moment.
I will leave the rest of the news for Robyn to tell you all in the New Year when Lucy and the rest of the family combine a

posted by  
a happy Auntie :)

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Monday, December 20, 2010

New tricks....or blunders....!!!

Hi everyone,

I have just been publishing comments from my last post, and although I always reply via email, have also tried to leave a reply comment on my blog, however they aren't in the sequence I was hoping for!!  

Knowing me, I am probably missing something very simple, so please bear with me, and hopefully I will eventually get the hang of it..... and I can maybe pass it off as my New Year's

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I know I should be getting ready for Christmas, but.....

Hi everyone,
as you  may recall,  back in October I  attended the
Craft Bazaar in Childers....

....on the way, we made a bit of a detour....
  ....and bought  this.....!!! :))) might have to
use your imagination, but isn't
it great???  

....this photo's a bit blurry, but
the odd panel across the back in the
middle of this pic, is 
pressed metal complete with holes.....
these are meant to be there for

I plan to clean it up
and paint my spare

...and as you can guess, I am trying to catch up on everything, and START on Christmas presents....y..eeess...for THIS

Happy crafting,  Jenny 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How many...

...words have you managed :) far, I'm SIX down, and
nineteen to go.....
I only hope there are enough days
to collect them

Who else is playing along?

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Recent Finishes......

Hi everyone,

I have been busy making......

Phone Cases.....

New bags for young girls of all ages....

and last but not least....

I know I also had Pot Holders on my 'to do' list, 
but they are still 'on the boil'  Sorry Pam, I couldn't resist :)

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have you signed up for......

Click HERE  for details.........  
Good Luck!!    :)

Happy crafting,  Jenny

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hi everyone,

I can't believe the post I have just done for my online shop !!


I am actually out of stock of my Pot Holders, and String Bags...!!!!!!!

So guess what I am working on  ; )

Happy Crafting,  Jenny